Friday, August 1, 2008

For August: Psalm 47

(translated from the Hebrew by Jeffrey Moss)

Of the Choir Director. Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm.

All peoples, clap your hands!
Raise a shout to God with a resounding voice!
For Yahweh Most High is feared,
a great king over the whole earth.
He subdues peoples under us,
nations under our feet;
He chooses our inheritance for us,
the majesty of Jacob, whom He loves. selah

God has gone up with shouting,
Yahweh with the sounding of a trumpet!
Sing the praises of God, sing praises!
Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
For the King of the whole earth is God;
sing a song of contemplation.
God has taken up His reign over the Gentiles;
God has taken His seat upon the throne of His holiness.
The nobles of the peoples have gathered,
the people of Abraham’s God.
For to God belong the sovereigns of the earth;
He is greatly exalted!


Thomas Banks said...

Nice work.

Unrelated, but did you check out Leithart's post on etymology over on his blog? Worth your while. It's about four posts down, as of right now.


Jeff Moss said...

Interesting stuff. Although old etymological arguments sometimes seem quaint to the point of imbecility, once in a while I think they're really on to something (and it makes reading ancient/medieval lit a lot more fun).

Did you see Leithart's immediately preceding post, on first-century Palestine as a multi-lingual society?

Jeff Moss said...

My comment was based on the "Etymology Rejected" post. Then I saw another one a few posts earlier, "Etymology Again," which has some excellent points to make relative to Biblical studies (and in line with some things I've thought on the subject).

Hannah Moss said...

Wow, Jeff!! That is great that you can now translate whole chapters of the Bible from Hebrew to English! Great job! :D

Jeff Moss said...

Thank you, Hannah. :-)

pria dewasa said...

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