After the beginning, man deformed the heavens and the earth.
Then the earth was again formless, and void;
and the light became dull over the face of the deep,
because the spirit of man was cowering over the face of the waters.
And man said, "Let there be darkness,"
and there was darkness.
And man saw the darkness, that it was pleasant;
and man loved the darkness rather than the light,
and he separated himself from the light,
and remained in the darkness.
And man called the darkness "Light,"
and the light he called "Darkness."
And the evening and the morning were the first day.
And man said, "Let there be firmaments
between me and the waters,
so that I may gain power over the waters."
And man built his cities
of wood and stone, iron and concrete,
and he seeded the clouds and dammed the rivers,
and took dominion over the waters,
but his heart hated the waters even as he dominated them.
And the evening and the morning were the second day.
And man said, "Let the waters be gathered to serve me,
and let the plants of the earth, and their fruits,
be mine and not another's."
And man fought great wars over earth and water and crops,
and he created great famines,
and many men died in the wars and by the famines,
and yet man when he was victorious thought that it was good.
And the evening and the morning were the third day.
And man said, "Let there be light in the darkness,
and darkness in the midst of the day,
and let the signs and the seasons,
the days and the years,
be confused."
And man made little lights
in imitation of the great lights of heaven,
and he set them throughout the night,
so that his toil might never cease,
and with the smog of his cities
he turned the day into darkness.
And man mingled day and night,
and turned them all into dim and cheerless pallor;
and man thought that it was good.
And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
And man said, "Let the waters be polluted with toxic wastes,
and let the open firmament of heaven
be choked with noxious fumes."
And man deadened sea and sky
with oil spills and plumes of smoke,
and with the wreckage of ships and planes from his wars,
and with human corpses;
and man thought that it was good.
And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
And man said, "Let our will be done
upon the living creatures of the earth;
let them exist solely for our pleasure,
and let our hatred be poured out on them."
And man hunted and killed the living creatures
and the beasts of the earth,
not for food, nor for protection,
but only to take away life.
And man cut down forests and made pasturelands barren,
and many animals died for no purpose, and left a void behind,
and man thought that it was good.
Then man said, "Let us make god in our image, after our likeness;
and let god be our servant, and serve us;
and thus let us fulfill our will upon the earth."
So man created god in his own image,
in the image of man he created him;
male and female he created it.
And man cursed the god that he had made, and man said to it,
"Be sterile, and diminish;
and let your name remain in the temples, and on the coins,
and in the mouths of the simple,
but let our will alone have dominion."
And in the name of the god whom man had made,
he turned against the God who had made man,
and nailed Him to a tree stripped of its branches.
Though God took flesh that man might live,
man seized that flesh, that God might die,
and man alone might be exalted in that day!
And man saw everything that he had done,
and behold, though the earth was ruined,
he thought it very good.
And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Thus the heavens and the earth were darkened
by the sinfulness of man.
And on the seventh day man sought rest
from all his work which he had done,
but though he had labored and toiled long,
his soul was not satisfied,
and his heart brooded on in the darkness.
And very early on the eighth day,
which was the first day of the week,
some women who still sought after their crucified God
found the stone rolled away from His tomb,
but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.
Then two men appeared to them in shining garments,
and said, "Why do you seek the living among the dead?
He is not here, He is risen!"
For God Himself stripped gods and men of strength,
and rose on high, to reign and come again.
Before Him all must bow the knee, in heaven and on earth,
for He it is who says, "Behold,
I am making all things new!"
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The anti-creation and its aftermath
Posted by
Jeff Moss
12:56 PM
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Awesome, I think this version's a lot more powerful than the original. Thanks for your comment on my blog as well. :D
Really GOOD, Jeffrey!
Aslan Cross,
Thanks. I assume that by "the original" you mean the poem "Reverse Creation"--NOT Genesis 1. :-)
Great poem, Jeff. But smoke spouting factories come about 1800 years after Jesus. Just thought I'd let you know.
Hi again, Jeff. I just added a new post to my blog after 8 months. Thought I'd let you know.
I really enjoyed your poem and your site. Hope you are doing well, and sorry I missed your visit.
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